Mystery Museum
These videos have been created specially for the mystery museum. They each feature the day's Bible character narrating her own story while museum-worthy art from throughout the ages illustrates the action. Each video goes with that day's Story/Service guide.
The videos even feature some guest voice actors for your enjoyment.
Day One:
Esther the Courageous Queen
This video features Queen Esther Holding Evidence of Haman’s Guilt, 2006, by Lilian Broca. Learn more at https://www.lilianbroca.com/portfolio_category/queen-esther-mosaics.
​Questions to go with the video:
What type of religion did Esther and Mordecai practice?
What special position in the kingdom did Esther gain?
Did Mordecai receive a reward for saving the emperor?
Why was it dangerous for Esther to go to the emperor for help?
Why did Esther go to the emperor even if she could have been killed?
Day Two:
Mary the Blessed Believer
​Questions to go with the video:
Was Mary’s life tough or easy before she met Jesus?
What did Mary do to show her love for Jesus?
How did Jesus die?
Who stayed with Jesus all the through the crucifixion?
Who saw Jesus first when he was resurrected?
What did Jesus send Mary out to do?
Day Three:
Deborah the Heroic Judge
This video features Deborah Under The Palm Tree, 1995, by Adrienne Cruz. Learn more at https://www.adrienecruz.com/.
​Questions to go with the video:
Why did Deborah’s people need to be freed?
Was Sisera for or against the people?
Who did God send to help the people?
Who gave Deborah’s army the strength to defeat Sisera?
Who finally defeated Sisera?
What did Deborah do after God’s victory?
Day Four:
Tabitha the Beloved Servant
​Questions to go with the video:
What did Tabitha spend her time doing?
Who was the leader who helped Tabitha?
Why did Peter need to come to Tabitha?
What did Tabitha’s friends show Peter?
What did Peter do for Tabitha?
Why did many in Tabitha’s town come to believe in Jesus?
Day Five:
Miriam the Fearless Prophet
This video features Miriam, 2018, by Silvia Dimitrova. Learn more at http://www.silviadimitrova.co.uk/.
​Questions to go with the video:
What unusual place does Miriam put her baby brother?
Who finds Miriam’s baby brother and who gets to raise him?
What is the name of Miriam’s baby brother?
What do Miriam and her siblings do in Egypt when they get older?
What does Miriam do after her people escape Egypt?
The Mystery Museum